Grant History
Our Nonprofit Partners
We are grateful for the opportunity to learn about and support the work of many remarkable organizations around the world. If your organization is interested in applying for a grant, we would encourage you to peruse the stories and the annual grantee lists below to get a better sense of RWN Foundation’s funding patterns. And if you are looking for inspiration for your own giving, we would encourage you to read on!
Please note: in 2025, we stopped funding new Oregon education initiatives (please click here for more information about which organizations are still eligible).
Featured Stories
Movement Advancement Project
Sustainable Communities
Africa Check
Health & Health Equity
$100,000 over two years
Maslow Project
Oregon Arts & Education
Louisiana Bucket Brigade
Climate & Planet
Rainforest Action Network
Climate & Planet
First Nations Development Institute
Sustainable Communities
Grace Healthcare Services
Health & Health Equity
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
Health & Health Equity
Oregon Ballet Theatre
Oregon Arts & Education
2024 Fall Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
Action for Global Health | Program Support | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Africa Check* | General Operating | Climate | $40,000 |
African Refugee Immigrant Organization | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
After the Harvest
Reducing Waste and Rescuing Produce for Hungry Families
General Operating | Health Equity | $10,000 |
Alaska Community Action on Toxics | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 (2nd year) |
All Classical Public Media | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
ASSIST* | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Boom Arts* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Caldera | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Campaign for Southern Equality
Trans Youth Emergency Project: National Expansion
General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Carbon Leadership Forum | Capacity Building | Climate | $40,000 |
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Chamber Music Northwest
“Lost Freedom: A Memory,” a reflection on Japanese Internment
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Columbia Riverkeeper
Uniting Communities for Climate Action
Program Support | Climate | $40,000 |
Community Outreach through Radical Empowerment (CORE) | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Cool Earth Action USA Inc | General Operating | Climate | $20,000 |
Create Action | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Crossroads Creative and Performing Art Center, Inc*
Arts Education
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Cure Blindness Project* | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Disability Rights Oregon | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Disaster Resilience Learning Network | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
dZi Foundation | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Eastern Oregon Regional Arts Council. Inc. | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 (2nd year) |
Elkton Community Education Center*
Elkton Wellness Initiative
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Family Forward Oregon | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Found in Translation* | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Friends of Saturday Academy
STEAM Learning Experiences in the Schools
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Friends of Tryon Creek* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Public Policy and Systems Advocacy
Program Support | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Growing Gardens* | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Habitable | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Hand to Hold | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
HereTogether | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 (2nd year) |
High Desert Museum
Little Wonders
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Supporting Sustainable Abortion Ecosystems Globally
General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Jackson County SART
Sexual Violence Prevention Program
General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 (2nd year) |
Kids Center
Rural Expansion – Mobile Child Abuse Evaluation Clinic
General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Lane Arts Council
Arts Education & Arts Integration in Low-Income and Rural-Based Schools
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 (2nd year) |
Leach Botanical Garden | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Maslow Project* | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Miracle Theatre Group*
Milagro UNIDAD
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Namati, Inc. | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
National Center for Transgender Equality
Trans Health Policy Advocacy
Program Support | Health Equity | $40,000 |
National Council of Urban Indian Health | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 (3rd year) |
Native Arts and Cultures Foundation | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Natün Guatemala
Promotoras: Maya Women Leading Rural Development in Guatemala
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Nepal Youth Foundation | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Ocean Conservancy
Curbing Global Shipping and Port Emissions
Program Support | Climate | $20,000 (3rd year) |
Oil Change International* | General Operating | Climate | $40,000 |
Oregon Association of Relief Nurseries | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Oregon Ballet Theatre
Learn About Ballet (LAB)
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Oregon Coast Youth Symphony Festival | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 (3rd year) |
Oregon Environmental Council | General Operating | Climate | $25,000 (2nd year) |
Oregon Futures Lab Education Fund | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Oregon Historical Society
“Yasui Brothers: An American Story” Exhibition and Education
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Oregon School-Based Health Alliance
Building a Community School Movement in Oregon
General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 (2nd year) |
PAI | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon* | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Partnership for Safety and Justice* | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Indigenous Science in Rural Oregon Classrooms
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Portland Chinatown Museum | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 (2nd year) |
Portland Playhouse*
“Social Prescription”: Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation Pilot
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Profile Theatre Project* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Raíces de Bienestar | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Raven Trust | General Operating | Climate | $30,000 |
Reading Results* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Rogue Valley Farm to School | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 (2nd year) |
Rogue Valley Mentoring
Providing Low-Barrier Mental Health Support to Jackson County Youth
General Operating | Health Equity | $15,000 |
Sacred Valley Health* | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Shaking the Tree
Dancing on the Sabbath
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Sightline Institute | General Operating | Climate | $30,000 |
Solidarity Engineering | Capacity Building | Health Equity | $40,000 |
South Dakota Voices for Peace
Multilingual Community Health Access
General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Squires – Empowering Young Dads* | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Stand with Trans
Health Equity for Trans Youth
Program Support | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Sur Legal Collaborative
Building Immigrant Worker Power in Georgia and Across the Deep South
General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Takohachi* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Website Development and General Operating
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
The Harbor | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 (2nd year) |
The Patricia Reser Center for the Arts
Community Access to Arts Education
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
The Shadow Project* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Uplift Local | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Wallowa Resources
CEP and WMI Project Funding
$20,000 (2nd year) | ||
War on Want
Food Sovereignty for a Just Transition
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
West Virginia Health Right | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Women’s Refugee Commission, Inc. | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Write Around Portland* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Yamhill Enrichment Society | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $8,500 |
2024 Spring Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
ActionAid USA | General Operating | Climate | $25,000 |
AGE+ | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Amazon Watch* | General Operating | Climate | $30,000 |
AMPLIFY Girls | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Architecture Foundation of Oregon
Architects in the Schools Program
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Arts Council of Pendleton | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $17,500 |
Bag & Baggage Productions
The Native Theater Project
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Beyond These Walls
Washington State Expansion
Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
BRAVO Youth Orchestras
Pre-K Expansion
Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Call to Safety | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Capaces Leadership Institute | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Center for Environmental Health | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Center for Victims of Torture | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment | General Operating | Climate | $20,000 |
Centro Cultural de Washington County
Emergency Assistance for Asylum Seekers
Program Support | Health Equity | $10,000 |
Civics Learning Project
Expanding the Reach of Civics Education
Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Clackamas Service Center* | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Clackamas Volunteers in Medicine
Navigating Health Access for Uninsured Oregonians
Program Support | Health Equity | $10,000 |
CoHo Productions | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Community Doula Alliance | Capacity Building | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Crag Law Center* | General Operating | Climate | $20,000 |
Creative Pause | Seed Funding | Health Equity | $5,000 |
Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts*
Traditional Arts Program
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Demos | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Digital Democracy | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Doctors of the World USA
Border Health Program: Migrant and Refugee Transitional Care
Program Support | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Environmental Integrity Project | General Operating | Climate | $25,000 |
Familias en Acción | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Family Access Network Foundation | General Operating | Health Equity | $15,000 |
Family Building Blocks | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Financial Beginnings Oregon | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Four Rivers Cultural Center
Historical/Heritage Exhibitions & Presentations in 2024-2025
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $19,000 |
Free Clinic of Southwest Washington | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Friends of Zenger Farm | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Grace Healthcare Services
AAMRC Free Clinic and Pharmacy
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,295 |
Greening Haiti Fund* | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Guardian Partners | Capacity Building | Health Equity | $10,000 |
Hawai’i Public Health Institute
SNAP Accessibility Review
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Healthy Schools Campaign
Advocacy & Healthy Students Promising Futures (HSPF) Learning Collaborative
Program Support | Health Equity | $35,000 |
Impact Immigration | General Operating | Health Equity | $10,000 |
Inclusive Louisiana | Program Support | Climate | $20,000 |
Independent Publishing Resource Center
Zine Library Programs and Equitable Access Outreach
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Integrate Health
Building Patient-Centered Health Systems in Francophone West Africa
General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Japanese American Museum of Oregon*
Living Arts Program
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
KXCJ-LP, 105.7FM, Cave Junction | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Lan Su Chinese Garden* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Last Prisoner Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Legal Council for Health Justice
Trans Health Law Project
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Literary Arts
Youth Programs Serving Historically Underserved Schools in Multnomah & Marion Counties
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Local Environmental Action Demanded (LEAD) Agency* | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Louisiana Bucket Brigade* | General Operating | Climate | $25,000 |
Many Hats Collaboration
The Hatchery: New Play Incubator
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Movement Advancement Project* | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Movement Voter Fund | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
National Partnership for New Americans* | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Northwest Pilot Project
Housing Stability for Low-Income Older Adults through Integration of Heath Care Service
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Northwest Workers’ Justice Project
The Movement for Healthy Workplaces Project
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Opportunities for Housing, Resources, and Assistance
Resource Center Support
General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Oregon Alliance for Gun Safety Foundation* | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Oregon Arts Watch | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Oregon Child & Family Services Council | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Oregon Contemporary
Biennial Support
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Oregon Expungement Relief Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Oregon Pacific Islander Coalition | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Oregon Public Broadcasting*
Science and Environment Reporting
Program Support | Climate | $25,000 |
Oregon Sex Workers’ Committee
Harm Reduction for Oregon Sex Workers and their Families
General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Support for Education Programs in Title I
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
OutFront Minnesota Community Services* | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
PassinArt: A Theatre Company | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Portland Opera
Shizue: An American Story
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Portland Street Art Alliance | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Project Youth + | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Protect Democracy Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Pueblo Unido PDX | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Purpose Focused Alternative Learning Corp
Diné Solar Warrior Workforce Training Program
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Queer Data Project | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Rahab’s Sisters* | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Rainbow Services | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Rainforest Action Network*
Investors and Insurance Markets Activism and Advocacy
General Operating | Climate | $40,000 |
Raphael House* | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Reach Out and Read Oregon | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Rogue Action Center | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Rogue Climate* | General Operating | Climate | $25,000 |
Rural Organizing Project* | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Saint Rock Haiti Foundation | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Salem Art Association | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Salem Keizer Coalition for Equality* | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Senior Advocates for Generational Equity (SAGE)
Intergenerational Mentors Program Expansion
Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $7,500 |
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology
Youth Arts Education in Rural and Low-Income Coastal Communities
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Spark Northwest | General Operating | Climate | $10,000 |
SAFE Cities
Program Support | Climate | $40,000 |
Stop the Money Pipeline | General Operating | Climate | $20,000 |
Store to Door
Advocating for Coordinated Wraparound Services for Low-Income, Homebound Seniors
Program Support | Health Equity | $10,000 |
Street Books | General Operating | Health Equity | $10,000 |
The Foundation for African Medicine | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
The International Council on Clean Transportation*
Strengthening ICCT’s Capacity to Decarbonize the Global Transport Sector
Program Support | Climate | $40,000 |
The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions | Program Support | Health Equity | $25,000 |
The Next Door, Inc.
Nuestra Comunidad Sana
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Torus | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Vanport Mosaic | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Warm Springs Community Action Team
Shuwiyasha Greenhouse Project
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Western Regional Advocacy Project | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
2023 Fall Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
A Greater Applegate
Nonprofit Network and Working Groups
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Africa Check | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
After the Harvest | General Operating | Health Equity | $10,000 |
Alaska Community Action on Toxics | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Amazon Frontlines | General Operating | Climate | $20,000 |
Anthropocene Alliance | General Operating | Climate | $40,000 |
Arts Center East | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Boom Arts | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Boost Oregon
Increasing Vaccine Confidence in New Parents
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Caldera | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Clackamas Women’s Services
Youth-Focused Intervention and Prevention
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Clean Water for All Coalition | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Climate Science Legal Defense Fund | General Operating | Climate | $25,000 |
Coalition of Communities of Color | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
dZi Foundation | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Equity Project of Josephine County | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
First Nations Development Institute
Nourishing Native Foods and Health Initiative
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Friends of Tryon Creek
Equitable Outdoor STEM Education
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Growing Gardens | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Hand to Hold | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
HCP CureBlindness | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Healthy Building Network | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
HereTogether | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
High Desert Food and Farm Alliance | General Operating | Health Equity | $15,000 |
Ipas | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Jackson County SART | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
KIDS Center | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Lane Arts Council | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Marine Conservation Institute
Ocean-Centered Climate Advocacy
Program Support | Climate | $25,000 |
National Abortion Federation | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
Native Arts and Culture Foundation | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Nepal Youth Foundation | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Ocean Conservancy
Curbing Global Shipping and Port Emissions
Program Support | Climate | $20,000 |
Oil Change International | General Operating | Climate | $40,000 |
Open Hearts Open Minds | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Oregon Ballet Theatre
OLAB Youth Education
General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Oregon Child Abuse Solutions | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Oregon Coast Youth Symphony Festival | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 |
Oregon Environmental Council | General Operating | Climate | $30,000 |
Oregon Farm to School Garden Network | General Operating | Health Equity | $10,000 |
Oregon School-Based Health Alliance
Building a Community School Movement in Oregon
General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Organic Soup Kitchen
Nutritionally Tailored Meals for Cancer Recovery
General Operating | Health Equity | $10,000 |
Our Village Gardens | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Outright International | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Wildfire+Water: Community Symposium and Educational Events
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Portland Chinatown Museum | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 |
Portland Street Medicine | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Profile Theatre | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Progressive Multiplier Fund | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Raíces de Bienestar | General Operating | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Reading Results | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Rogue Valley Farm to School | General Operating | Health Equity | $25,000 |
Rose Haven | General Operating | Health Equity | $15,000 |
Sacred Valley Health | General Operating | Health Equity | $30,000 |
Sightline Institute | General Operating | Climate | $20,000 |
Solidarity Engineering | General Operating | Health Equity | $40,000 |
South Dakota Voices for Peace
Multilingual Community Health Access
Program Support | Health Equity | $20,000 |
Takohachi | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Teatro Milagro | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
The Community for Positive Aging | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
The Immigrant Story | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Wallowa Resources
Community Energy Project & Wallowa Mountain Institute
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Write Around Portland | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Youth, Rights & Justice | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
2023 Spring Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
African Women Rising | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Amazon Watch | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $40,000 |
Beyond These Walls | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Capaces Leadership Institute | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Climate Solutions | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
CoHo Productions | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Columbia Gorge Orchestra Association
Free Public Concert Series
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 |
Council on Aging of Central Oregon
Elder Nutrition and Social Isolation Program Expansion
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Crag Law Center | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts
Traditional Arts Education
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 (two year) |
Cultural Advocacy Coalition Foundation | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Elkton Community Education Center
Elkton Wellness Initiative
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Family Access Network Foundation | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Footprint Project | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $10,000 |
Four Rivers Cultural Center | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Free Geek | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Fundacion Salud por Derecho
EU Health and Climate Advocacy
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Grace Healthcare Services | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 (2nd year) |
Greening Haiti Fund | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Impact Immigration | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Incight Company | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Institute for the Development of Human Arts | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Intersect | Seed Funding | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Japanese American Museum of Oregon
Living Arts Program
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 (two year) |
Lan Su Chinese Garden | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 (2nd year) |
Leach Botanical Garden | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Louisiana Bucket Brigade | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Maslow Project | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Movement Advancement Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
National Partnership for New Americans | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
North by Northeast Community Health Center | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Northwest Instituto Latino de Addiciones
Culturally-Specific Peer Recovery Support for Latinx Oregonians
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Northwest Workers’ Justice Project
Healthy Workplaces Movement Legal Help
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
OK You, Inc. | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Opportunities for Housing, Resources, and Assistance | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Oregon Alliance for Gun Safety Foundation | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Oregon Arts Watch | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Oregon Coast Youth Symphony Festival | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 |
Oregon Community Health Workers’ Association | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Oregon Expungement Relief Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Oregon Public Broadcasting
Science and Environment Reporting
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Oregon Shakespeare Festival | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
OutFront Minnesota Community Services | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Partnership for Safety and Justice | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 (2nd year) |
Pendleton Center for the Arts | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Pueblo Unido PDX | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Rahab’s Sisters | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 (two year) |
Rainforest Action Network | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 (2nd year) |
Raphael House | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 (2nd year) |
Rogue Climate | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Rural Organizing Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Squires | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
The Black United Fund of Oregon | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
The Center for Gun Violence Solutions | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
The Foundation for African Medicine and Education | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
The Portland Clinic Foundation
Small grants program
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Unite Oregon | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Warms Springs Community Action Team
Commissary Project
Capital Campaign | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
We Are Healers | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Western Regional Advocacy Project | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
WomenFirst Transition & Referral Center | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
2022 Fall Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
Adelante Mujeres | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Africa Check | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 (two year) |
Anthropocene Alliance | Capacity Building | Climate & Planet | $40,000 |
APANO Communities United Fund | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
ASSIST | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Baker Relief Nursery | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Boom Arts | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 (two year) |
Boost Oregon
Hiring a training director
Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Brigid Alliance
Responsive discretionary grant
General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $7,000 |
Caldera | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $7,500 |
Call to Safety | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Carbon Leadership Forum | Capacity Building | Climate & Planet | $50,000 (2nd year) |
Clackamas Service Center | Capital Campaign | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Classroom Law Project
Rural Civics Program Expansion
Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Digital Democracy | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $30,000 |
EarthRights | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $40,000 |
Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors
Climate Action Curriculum Development
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Equity Project of Josephine County | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $5,000 |
First Nations Development Institute
Building Indigenous Foods Systems
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Found in Translation | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Friends of the Children – Klamath Basin | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 (2nd year) |
Friends of Tryon Creek | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 (two year) |
Front and Centered | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $40,000 |
Growing Gardens | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 (two year) |
Healthy Building Network
Reducing toxic exposure in low-income communities
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
HereTogether | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Himalayan Cataract Project | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Independent Publishing Resource Center | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
International Council on Clean Transportation | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 (2nd year) |
Ipas | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Jackson County SART
Schools sexual violence prevention
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Keep Our Clinics
Responsive discretionary grant
General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $7,000 |
Lambda Legal | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Lane Arts Council
Artists in the schools
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Latino Community Association
Executive assistant hiring
Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Liberty House | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Marine Conservation Institute | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 (two year) |
Miracle Theatre | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 (two year) |
Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 (three year) |
Native Arts and Culture Foundation | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Northwest Pilot Project | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Ocean Conservancy
Curbing global shipping & port emissions
Program Support | Climate & Planet | $20,000 (three year) |
Oregon Ballet Theatre
Dance education in schools
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Oregon Environmental Council | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $30,000 |
Oregon Futures Lab | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Oregon School-Based Health Alliance | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Portland Playhouse
Premiere of The Sounds of Afrolitical
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Portland Street Medicine | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 (two year) |
Profile Theatre
Cornerstone Theatre partnership
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 (two year) |
Project Youth+ | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Q Center | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Raíces de Bienestar | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Reading Results | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 (two year) |
Rejoice! Diaspora Dance Theatre | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Repro Legal Defense Fund
Responsive discretionary grant
General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $8,000 |
Risk/Reward | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $8,000 |
Rogue Action Center | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Saving Grace | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Corneal blindness prevention in Nepal & India
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Sightline Institute | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $30,000 |
Solidarity Engineering | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Takohachi | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $7,000 |
Tanzanian Children’s Fund
Health access for the Oldeani community in northern Tanzania
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
The Shadow Project | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Tower Theatre
Presenting Red Door Project’s Evolve Experience
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Wallowa Resources | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Women’s Foundation of Oregon
General operating during leadership transition
General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 (2nd year) |
Write Around Portland | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 (two year) |
2022 Spring Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
Oregon’s Comprehensive Plan for Living and Aging
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $45,000 |
Alaska Community Action on Toxics | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Amazon Watch | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Arts Council of Pendleton | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Black Food Sovereignty Coalition
The Healing Space
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Building Healthy Families | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $5,000 |
Capaces Leadership Institute | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Center for Gun Violence Solutions | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Cleveland Lead Advocates for Safe Housing | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $5,000 |
Coalition of Communities of Color | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $50,000 |
Crag Law Center | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Elkton Community Education Center
Elkton Wellness Project
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Four Rivers Cultural Center
Rolling Out the Red Carpet
Capital Campaign | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 |
Global Greengrants Fund | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Grace Healthcare Services
Women’s Clinic (with Alachua Area Medical Reserve Corps)
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 (two year) |
Greening Haiti Fund | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Lan Su Chinese Garden | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 (three year) |
LEAD Agency, Inc. | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Movement Advancement Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Music Workshop | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 (2nd year) | |
National Partnership for New Americans
We Are All Americans
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Northwest Workers’ Justice Project | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Nurturely | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Oil Change International | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Oregon Child Abuse Solutions | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Oregon Health Care Interpreters Association
Healthcare interpretation training for Afghan refugees
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
OutFront Minnesota Community Services | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Partnership for Safety & Justice | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 (two year) |
Pecan Street | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $10,000 |
Politisit | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Portland Refugee Support Group | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Rahab’s Sisters | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Rainforest Action Network | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 (two year) |
Raphael House | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 (three year) |
Red Lodge Transition Services
Keeping the Fires Burning
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Rogue Climate | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $30,000 |
Rogue Valley Farm to School | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Rosewood Strong Community
Climate Migration Project
General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $5,000 |
Rural Organizing Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Salem Keizer Coalition for Equality | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Tananawit | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
The Chisholm Legacy Project | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
The Immigrant Story | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
TransPonder | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
We Are Healers | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
West Street Recovery | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
2021 Fall Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
4D Recovery
Expanding peer-assisted recovery services
Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 (2nd year) |
ABC House Inc. | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Africa Check | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 (2nd year) |
APANO Communities United Fund | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Arts Center East | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
ASSIST | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Ballet Fantastique
Increasing access for low-income people and rural communities
Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Beyond These Walls
Supporting LGBTQ prisoners across Oregon
Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Bridge Meadows | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Bridges Collaborative Care Clinic
Harm reduction services
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $5,000 |
Youth arts mentoring program
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $7,500 |
Call to Safety
Crisis line services
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Carbon Leadership Forum – University of Washington
Expanding network engagement
Capacity Building | Climate & Planet | $50,000 (two years) |
Centro Cultural de Condado de Washington
Edad de Oro (Golden Years) Program
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Chehalem Cultural Center
Rural arts education
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Clackamas Service Center | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 |
Columbia Land Trust | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Community Vision
Advancing age- and ability-friendly urban centers
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
CORE: Community Outreach through Radical Empowerment | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Crow’s Shadow Institute for the Arts
Traditional arts coordinator
Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 (2nd year) |
Digital Democracy | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $30,000 |
East Portland Resilience Coalition
Community resilience plan
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $12,500 |
Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors
Climate Action Education
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Eden Reforestation Projects
Clean water for people and forests in Madagascar
Program Support | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
ELSO, Inc.
Expanding fundraising capacity
Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Eugene-Springfield Youth Orchestras | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
First Nations Development Institute | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Fishtrap | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Found in Translation | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 |
Friends of the Children of the Klamath Basin | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 (two year) |
Friends of Tryon Creek
Decolonized environmental education for BIPOC youth
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Guardian Partners | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Health Care Without Harm
Anchors in resilient communities – Tacoma
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Healthy Building Network
Reducing toxic exposure in low-income communities
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Himalayan Cataract Project | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Holla Mentors | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Hope Hospice
Hope Connections
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance
Safe, affordable farmworker housing
Capital Campaign | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
IMPACT Immigration | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Incight | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Independent Publishing Resource Center
Studio access project
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Jackson County SART
Schools sexual violence prevention project
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Lake Health District
South central Oregon guardianship
Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Lane Arts Council
Rural arts education
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Meals on Wheels People | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 |
Miracle Theatre Group
Teatro Milagro UNIDAD residencies
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance
Seeding and stewarding tribal food sovereignty
Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $50,000 |
Neighborhood House | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
New Expressive Works
One year bridge plan – strategic support for performing artists
Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
New Jersey Highlands Coalition | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
North by Northeast Community Health Center | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Ocean Conservancy
Curbing global shipping & port emissions
Program Support | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
OPAL Environmental Justice | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Open Hearts, Open Minds | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Oregon Expungement Relief Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Oregon Historical Society
Oregon Encyclopedia climate change digital resource project
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $8,000 |
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
Oregon health professionals for climate justice
Program Support | Climate & Planet | $15,000 |
Oregon Public Broadcasting
OPB’s Science and Environment Reporting Unit
Program Support | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Point Blue Conservation Science
Climate resilience and sustainable communities
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Portland Chinatown Museum | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Portland Columbia Symphony
Sensory friendly concerts
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $3,000 |
Portland Homeless Family Solutions
Homelessness prevention program
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Portland Playhouse
Social justice theatre project
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Portland Street Medicine | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Project Youth+ | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $50,000 |
Rocky Mountain Institute | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Corneal blindness prevention
Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Southern Oregon Friends of Hospice
Subsidized hospice for low-income people
General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Squires | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Store to Door | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
The International Council on Clean Transportation | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 (two years) |
The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
The Shadow Project | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $23,500 |
Technology & donor database upgrades
Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $5,000 |
Wallowa Resources | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Women’s Foundation of Oregon | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 (3 years) |
Write Around Portland | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $7,500 |
Young Audiences of Oregon and SW Washington
Right Brain arts education expansion into rural Clackamas county
Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | |
Youth, Rights, and Justice
Piloting a pre-petition legal advocacy program to mitigate foster care placement
Seed Funding | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
2021 Spring Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
1000 Friends of Oregon
Climate Mitigation Prioritizing Survey
Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Adelante Mujeres | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
AGE+ | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $45,000 |
Alliance for Gun Responsibility Foundation | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Alliance for HOPE International | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Boom Arts | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Boost Oregon | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Bradley Angle | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
BRAVO Youth Orchestras | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Capaces Leadership Institute | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Central City concern | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Classroom Law Project | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Coalition of Communities of Color | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $50,000 |
Dental Foundation of Oregon | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Euvalcree | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Family of Friends Mentoring | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Flying Kites | Capital Campaign | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 |
Four Rivers Cultural Center | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 |
Friends of the Columbia Gorge | Program Support | Climate & Planet | $10,000 |
Front and Centered | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $30,000 |
Garden of Eatin’ (Church of the Good Shepherd) | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $2,500 |
Global Greengrants Fund | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Grace Healthcare Services | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $20,800 |
Greening Haiti Fund | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Growing Gardens | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Ipas | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Japanese American Museum of Oregon | Capital Campaign | Oregon Arts & Education | $50,000 |
Lan Su Chinese Garden | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Latino Network | Program Support | Covid-19 Response | $25,000 |
Louisiana Bucket Brigade | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Marine Conservation Institute | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Maslow Project | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Miracles Club | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Movement Advancement Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Music Workshop | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $40,000 over two years |
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 |
Northwest Workers’ Justice Project | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Nurturely | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Oregon Ballet Theatre | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Oregon Child Abuse Solutions | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Oregon Environmental Council | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Oregon Health Care Interpreters Association | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $25,500 |
Oregon School-Based Health Alliance | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Oregon Tradeswomen | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Partnership for Safety & Justice | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
Politisit | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Portland Refugee Support Group | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $40,000 |
Profile Theatre Project | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $35,000 |
Rahab’s Sisters | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Rainforest Action Network | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Raphael House | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Reading Results | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Red Lodge Transition Services | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Rogue Climate | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Rogue Valley Farm to School | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $35,000 |
Rural Organizing Project | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $50,000 |
Sexual Assault Resource Center | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
SMART Reading | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
SnowCap Community Charities | Capital Campaign | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
suma | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Sustainable Northwest | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Tananawit | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 |
Terra Firma Rainwater Collective | Seed Funding | Sustainable Communities | $25,000 |
The Black United Fund of Oregon | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Thousand Currents | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
TransPonder | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Unidos Bridging Community | Program Support | Covid-19 Response | $10,000 |
Unite Oregon | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Verde | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center | Program Support | Covid-19 Response | $10,000 |
2020 Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
4D Recovery | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 over two years |
A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Adelante Mujeres | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Africa Check | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $100,000 over two years |
APANO Communities United Fund | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Black Food Sovereignty Coalition | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $35,000 |
Boost Oregon | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Capaces Leadership Institute | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Clackamas Service Center | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 |
Community Outreach through Radical Empowerment | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts | Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $50,000 over two years |
EarthRights | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Eden Reforestation Projects | Capacity Building | Climate & Planet | $30,000 |
Familias en Acción | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
First Nations Development Initiative | General Operating | Covid-19 Response | $30,000 |
First Nations Development Institute | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Four Rivers Cultural Center | Capital Campaign | Oregon Arts & Education | $35,000 |
Front and Centered | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $35,000 |
Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Global Climate and Health Alliance | Capacity Building | Climate & Planet | $10,000 |
Health Care Without Harm | Program Support | Climate & Planet | $10,000 |
HereTogether | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Himalayan Cataract Project | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 |
Jackson County SART | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $32,000 |
Lan Su Chinese Garden | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Lines for Life | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Louisiana Bucket Brigade | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Maybelle Center for Community | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Miracle Theatre Group | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $40,000 |
North by Northeast Community Health Center | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Northwest Workers’ Justice Project | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Nurturely | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Ocean Conservancy | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
Oil Change International | Program Support | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Oregon Coast Aquarium | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $40,000 |
Oregon Coast Youth Symphony Festival | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $6,500 |
Oregon Health Care Interpreters’ Association | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $15,500 |
Oregon Historical Society | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 |
Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 |
Oregon Public Broadcasting | Program Support | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Oregon Recovers | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Oregon Worker Relief Fund | General Operating | Covid-19 Response | $37,500 |
Oregon Worker Relief Infrastructure Fund | Capacity Building | Covid-19 Response | $37,500 |
PassinArt: A Theatre Company | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $11,000 |
PlayWrite, Inc. | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 |
PolicyLink | Program Support | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Portland Street Medicine | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Profile Theatre Project | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Project Access NOW | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Rahab’s Sisters | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Raphael House | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Red Door Project | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 |
Red Lodge Transition Services | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Rocky Mountain Institute | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Salem Keizer Coalition for Equality | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Sexual Assault Resource Center | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
Since Time Immemorial Fund | General Operating | Covid-19 Response | $20,000 |
Spring Creek Residency | Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 over three years |
Store to Door | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
The Black United Fund of Oregon | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
The Josephy Center for Arts and Culture | Capital Campaign | Oregon Arts & Education | $40,000 |
The Shadow Project | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Third Angle New Music | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Unite Oregon | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $10,000 |
Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Wallowa Resources | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Women’s Foundation of Oregon Covid-19 Rapid Response Fund | General Operating | Covid-19 Response | $75,000 |
Write Around Portland | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 |
2019 Grants
Organization Name | Grant Type | Funding Area | Grant Amount |
4D Recovery | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Alliance for HOPE International | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
APANO Communities United Fund | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
August Wilson Red Door Project | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 |
Black Educational Achievement Movement (BEAM) | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Capaces Leadership Institute | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Carbon Leadership Forum | Capacity Building | Climate & Planet | $150,000 over two years |
Clackamas Service Center | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $30,000 |
EarthRights | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $15,000 |
Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Eden Reforestation Projects | Program Support | Climate & Planet | $35,000 |
Environmental Integrity Project | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $20,000 |
EYElliance | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Familias en Acción | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Family of Friends Mentoring | Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $12,000 |
Four Rivers Cultural Center | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $25,000 |
Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $5,000 |
Global Partners in Care | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Guardian Partners | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 | |
Himalayan Cataract Project | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 |
Independent Publishing Resource Center | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 | |
Josephy Center for Arts and Culture | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Marine Conservation Institute | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Maybelle Center for Community | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Médecins Sans Frontiéres | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $46,000 |
MIKE Program | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Music Workshop | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Native American Youth and Family Center | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $20,000 |
Ocean Conservancy | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $10,000 |
Open Hearts Open Minds | Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $35,000 |
Oregon Health Care Interpreters’ Association | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $15,000 |
Oregon Health Equity Alliance | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $10,000 |
Oregon Public Broadcasting | Capacity Building | Sustainable Communities | $50,000 |
Oregon School-Based Health Alliance | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $25,000 |
Oregon Tradeswomen | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
PLAYA | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Point Blue Conservation Science | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $25,000 |
Portland Street Medicine | Capacity Building | Health & Health Equity | $50,000 |
Portland Taiko | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $5,000 |
Rocky Mountain Institute | General Operating | Climate & Planet | $50,000 |
Rogue Valley Farm to School | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $15,000 |
Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $15,000 |
Sexual Assault Resource Center | Program Support | Health & Health Equity | $17,300 |
Signal Fire | Capacity Building | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology | Capital Campaign | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |
Store to Door | General Operating | Health & Health Equity | $12,000 |
The Shadow Project | General Operating | Oregon Arts & Education | $20,000 |
Village Gardens | Program Support | Sustainable Communities | $20,000 |
Wallowa Resources | General Operating | Sustainable Communities | $30,000 |
Write Around Portland | Program Support | Oregon Arts & Education | $10,000 |